This isn’t my first rodeo in the blog world. I’ve attempted multiple times to start a blog and keep it going. It works for a time and then life happens. Like six kids, major health issues that had me exhausted in ways I cannot begin to describe, moves, job losses and changes, and more. Two preemies meaning NICU stays, major surgeries, and financial crises that had us tightening our belts hard.
I frankly lost all motivation to write for a time. Even my 3Day Noveling experiences over Labor Day Weekend have been bland and unproductive in the last three years and I’ve only hung on to that tradition for the writing family I could not possibly imagine losing.
Complicated family issues that shattered my heart and the healing years that picked up the pieces, putting them together again by the Grace of God.
It’s been real, people. And the constant feeling of inadequacy as a writer and blogger got to me – hard. I mean, what can I, a middle-aged, homeschooling mom, with health problems and family problems and depression have to give to the world?
I mean, I’ve got a bachelor’s degree I don’t use – except when kissing boo-boos and pulling out the first aid kit for the normal bumps and bruises that come along with energetic children. I have a whole lot of interests, but no real expertise in any one area. I start projects and rhythms in my daily life, but quickly find them tumbling to the ground at the first sign of another bend in life’s road. I feel like I am constantly making adjustments, second-guessing, and feeling behind in every area of life.
And all the while, I hear this still, small voice asking me over and over again, “By whose standard? Who is telling you that you have nothing to give, no wisdom to teach, no education adequate enough to impart to others?”
I’m on this journey called life, just like my readers. I don’t have all the answers, by any means. What I DO have is a love of learning, a passion and heart to invite others along on my journey, and share the messiness and beauty of a life well-examined.
It’s a bumpy road, and it doesn’t seem to get easier as I grow older. Yet, there is a beauty and a feeling of wonder at each step along the way as I explore and learn and seek Truth.
Truth has a flavor. A melody that calls to my heart and bids me find Him. Through the cacophony of voices and chaos in our world, there is a still, small voice that is heard above it all.
This blog is a new beginning and an invitation. A clarion call for all those who feel inadequate, unfulfilled, tossed and turned, and underestimated.
The verse that has clung to me in the darkest of times and the best of times is this:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
It is this idea that has brought me once more to take a chance and share my journey with you. It’s the mission of our ministry to seek Truth, restore broken people and things, and liberate the captives from their bonds – whether self-inflicted or bound by others.
To that end, the blog will be the story-telling part. The invitation into the conversation. The challenge and the call to action.
I hope to add services and products that have not only helped me in my own journey, but that others have recommended or written about. I will review books I am reading, share homeschool ideas and tips, and give you glimpses into my family’s world as we fulfill our own personal missions both together and as individuals.
Will you join me?
Let’s get started…