Restoration Freedom Dynasty

Restoration Freedom Dynasty is a conversation over coffee or your preferred beverage of choice. We chat about life, family, faith, education, politics, and more

Restoration Freedom Dynasty is…

A Ministry. A Community. A Family.

It’s the Body of Christ actively being the hands and feet of Jesus. It is an invitation to the conversation.

The Conversation about the hard things. Life. Loss. Family. Relationships. Death. Education. Work. Politics. Religion. Forgiveness. Healing. Restoration.

And it’s all designed to be wrestled and wrangled over a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice), laughter, and tears.

Sarah Peloquin

Jesus Follower – Writer & Philosopher – Mom Extraordinaire – Amateur Historian

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

Robert Louis Stevenson
Daily writing prompt
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  • Welcome to Restoration Freedom

    Welcome to Restoration Freedom

    It’s the mission of our ministry to seek Truth, restore broken people and things, and liberate the captives from their bonds – whether self-inflicted or bound by others.

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    4 min read

  • Book Clubs and Coffee Shops

    It is healing, rejuvenating, exhausting, exhilarating, and the harder path to choose to engage in person, face-to-face. I can shut out real life only for so long before…

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    4 min read

  • Critical Thinking with Your Children

    Critical Thinking with Your Children

    I believe this type of open-sourced environment will foster the Christ-life in my children AND encourage them to continue life-long learning in the areas where His gifts can…

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    4 min read

  • Think About it Thursday

    Think About it Thursday

    Context matters. It’s not just when you speak but how and to whom, what and where and why.

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    4 min read

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