Restoration Freedom Dynasty

Restoration Freedom Dynasty is a conversation over coffee or your preferred beverage of choice. We chat about life, family, faith, education, politics, and more



Our Mission is to utilize our God-given talents and skills to educate and create an environment conducive to an abundant life of learning, building community, and strengthening the family.

Leadership Education

Educational models in the Western Culture have become conveyor belts to get as many students off the line in a uniform manner to push bodies into the workforce. The end result is average workers taught what to think, not how to think.

Our education model for our children is based on inspiring and teaching them HOW to think, not WHAT to think. We read great books, classics that get the imagination moving and the questions flowing. We don’t give pat answers and sometimes that means we deal with hard issues that have a lot of nuance. Yet we embrace the nuances and wrestle with the answers as we seek TRUTH above all, GOODNESS, BEAUTY, and the Author of all three.

Our Story

By God’s grace, we established our family in 2006 when Jake and I said, “All in.” While we didn’t know all the ins and outs, ups and downs of this rollercoaster we call marriage and parenting, we both had a strong passion to thrive through it all with our Threefold cord. God being established as our center and compass, we brought six children into this world. Each of them are bright stars, shining light in the darkness, and making the world a little bit better. We are raising them to ask questions, wrestle with doubts, and seek Truth, which does not make our parenting “easy” by any stretch of the imagination. What it does do, is ensure our family will always be on an adventure, pilgrims, soldiers, and seekers on a journey together.

We LOVE learning and we all bring our own unique and wonderfully messy ideas to the table. From essential oils to philosophy, from science to mathematics, from literature to history, we educate ourselves with the foundation of it all being firmly rooted in the belief that this is God’s universe and He’s given us freedom to work and play and explore it within the loving care and boundaries of His Kingdom purpose.

It is our hope that through our passions and gifts, we would bring hope and healing to the people and places we touch daily, seeking Him first always.

Matthew 6:33

How can we help you?

Ask us how you can grow in faith, thrive in strong marriages, and raise World Changers and Kingdom Builders.

Discover practical tips and ideas for teaching and inspiring your children

Explore educational resources that are found outside of the dry and dusty textbooks pushed by the “experts”

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